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The Author

The Author is a powerful relic rumored to wield significant, destructive power like the fabled Eye Of Hazimel. It was a dusty research topic found on the shelves of chantries until one day a snuff video went viral on the Internet to send a message to vampiric luminaries like Prince Winder. Masquerading a trailer for a supernatural thriller, the torture film shed digital light on a once-clandestine effort to find this ancient bauble. Not long after, a Tremere Apprentice's dead-man switch dropped a warning to SchreckNet, which made the rounds with its call to action: hunters want this thing to extinguish us all. Make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

The Author's become a hot item thanks to its alleged capabilities. Assamite scholar Ehsan Khadem has convinced the Camarilla and the Anarchs they can use it to bait the Children of Athanasius, a fanatic group which wants to use the artifact to extinguish the supernatural. Archbishop Danielle Washington is convinced that this thing, if real, will be a valuable resource for those inevitable days where the Ancients come to devour us all.

The Author is known to be a silver item with an intricate pattern on it depicting a particular maker's mark, almost like a mandala. Pictures and drawings of that design are reconstructions based on descriptions, theoretical only, but the item is distinctly magical. Its alleged Turkish history has drawn attention towards specific exhibits and private collections of elite collectors like Doctor Carter.

But its pursuers have trouble: the latest team joining the search for The Author is the FBI or INTERPOL at this rate, thanks to an ill-fated attempt at a raid on the de Young museum that's bound to bring in at least the feds...

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The Children Of Athanasius

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