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Sarah Anne Winder

"Anarch." Walter, it seems, deserves no name. "You are allowed certain priveleges only by the grace of me, your Prince. I can revoke it at any time. YOU shall feed on scraps in South City and Daly City until I see FIT. YOU shall not speak to any sect officer until spoken to first. If you wish to survive in my city, perhaps the only way to do so will be by forsaking the idiots that you are so fond of sheperding."


Prince Sarah Anne Winder maintains San Francisco, and in the context of her co-existence with so many enemies, her Elysia are events, not locations, taking place in prestigious concert halls and theaters reserved in advance. Tracking Winder down is deliberately difficult, it seems, rarely seen without some sort of entourage, be it of ghouls or her Primogen or both. This renders securing an introduction with the Prince into a diplomatic process of contacting one of her more accessible representatives, first, such as her Primogen or the Harpies. They all are all too happy to schedule a meeting for you for a Trivial Boon.

English nobility who struggled with her queer identity thanks to the 'unapproving nature of the times', Winder was groomed into Clan Ventrue by her sire Charlotte Ingraham, and she was a politically savvy and aggressive Neonate who climbed the ranks with her ambition. She fought at the Battle of New York (1999) and her success there is what made several elders pick her as the prince to replace Jochen Van Nuys. She was in New York during the 90s before she was assigned San Francisco in 2001. She was a general at the siege of New York and has shown that her figurative claws are sharp as obsidian.


"Well let me tell you something, HERR DOKTOR! I killed seven krauts with a SHOVEL so one more BEARDY SON OF A BITCH LIKE YOU won't make a DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE!"

Winder is an imperious, calculating Prince who carries an always feminine, always cordial guise: a smiling, gracious prince, but a strict one. She is formidable in terms of her wit, her strength, and her ruthlessness against those who earn her emnity but whispers conspire about her that perhaps it's all a front: after all, she's never, ever seen alone and there are times in court where tensions about unspoken issues appear to rustle behind the curtains.

Chargenning Into The Camarilla?

Meeting the Prince is a matter of getting an introduction arranged through one of the Primogen (your clan doesn't necessarily have to match your Primogen of choice). Write into your application that you would like to get into contact with the Prince and we will arrange it!

Perhaps you (or your coterie) have done some missions for her in the past! For example, cleaning up after someone was sloppy with the Masquerade, owing her a boon, being owed a boon, having a professional relationship otherwise, or knowing her when you perhaps crossed paths in Italy or fighting alongside her in New York.

Audiences With The Prince

Winder is typically played on demand/request rather than brought out on a regular basis. She's seen mostly only during court or petitioned appointments, expecting the Primogen and/or Seneschal to do most of the interacting with the Praxis. She can be trotted out at any time: to speak with the Prince, send in a +request. The IC means of contact can be arranged between you and staff.


Name: Sarah Anne Winder
Apparent Age: Young adult
Nationality: English
Nature: Conniver
Demeanor: Autocrat
Clan: Ventrue