Sutro Baths

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Revision as of 04:19, 16 November 2021 by RoyalBatty (talk | contribs) (Timeline)
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The below information represents news articles, gossip, IC websites, and other IC information your character could have gotten their hands on. All information is public information that your character can ICly know unless it is marked for a certain group. If it is marked for a certain group, you need to be part of that group to know it IC. For example, if you see something marked "Sabbat", then you need to be Sabbat to know it. You may notice that some plot elements might coincide or overlap with other plotlines.

The information here is gathered to help quickly on-board new players and to keep existing players similarly organized. Plot beats manifest as scheduled +events, developments in +jobs, and BBoard articles that represent news and internet activity IC. You are encouraged to participate in the plotline by sending in +requests about what your character would do knowing this information and can do so at any time!


  • The 2000s (Mage): A small node in Sutro Baths becomes a known entity to the Awakened community, but it is scarcely ever utilized. There's a goddamn monster that lives inside the caves, and the caves themselves flood on the regular with the tide. Too much of a hassle. Since there is not any incidence of violence or missing persons attributed to the node, San Francisco's awakened collectively decided to let the issue lie, facing other priorities.
  • April 2021 (Traditions): New arrivals to the Golden Gate Chantry swiftly find the Sutro Baths node and learn that the local mages neglected this node because of the perfectly-not-monster-infested node in Clarion Alley providing them what they need. New mages resolve to take the node. The monster is confirmed to be sentient and has warned others to stay out.
  • May 2021 (Traditions): Hermetic Kealia Mae Onno is murdered brutally by the monster, with 'STAY OUT OF MY HEAD' carved into her face. The Advocate Council determines that they should continue to not fuck with the goddamn monster who was previously bothering nobody.
  • June 2021 (Public): The Cliff House restaurant, on the same property as Sutro Baths, evicts the Contreras family, which have run the property since the 1970s. They could not reach a new lease agreement with the site's owner, the National Park Service. The Contreras have been facing an expensive, personal medical hardship within the family, leading to working with outside management that has changed the nature of the restaurant to the detriment of its bottom line. Federal officials have found a new tenant to continue its legacy, but the Contreras are scheduled to move out.
  • July 2021 (Public): Haunted SF partners with The Cliff House to start running Ghost Tours. The new management team announces its aims to "resurrect" the intrigue of the property's past, bringing attention to the Sutro Baths and its haunted history.

News Coverage

Organizations / Businesses


Questions, Clues, Leads

Stuck? Need a hand, or some inspiration? The clues are strewn throughout the news articles, 'website', and other IC materials. That said, Here are some hints to help you get somewhere.

Get Involved

Any of the information above is fair game for your character to know unless it's marked as belonging to a certain group. If it's marked to belong to a certain group, like "Nosferatu," then you need to be a part of that group.

Send in +requests to investigate! You can assign jobs to others, so if something is being run by a PRP runner or you know the staffer you're after, simply assign it (+job/assign #=person). Ask around IC. On the Looking For RP channel (@channel/join looking), point out one of the threads you're interested in and ask if someone'd like to join.

Sometimes, +events are made to round everybody up to move a plot beat forward. Keep an eye out for +events that seem related and try to join 'em. That said, there's no need to wait on an +event to get the ball rolling: reach out to staff, to PRP runners, and fellow players on channels and through +request.