Criminal Influence

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Criminal Influence is split into the below Specialties. When taking points of any given Specialty, please specify which criminal group you are affiliating this purchase with.

Arms Trafficking

Arms Trafficking influence describes a network of smugglers and morally questionable members with access to weapons -- be they corrupt cops, ex-military who know where the caches are, savvy fences, or other dealers and couriers -- who are skilled in moving the things that go boom. Arms Trafficking influence will lower the difficulty of any Influence action pertaining to actually trafficking arms.


Cybercrime influence describes a network of the less-than-reputable who are skilled at computer-oriented crime. Cybercime influence will lower the difficulty of any criminal Influence action reliant on computer-savvy saboteurs superhackin' into mainframes and uploadin' the downlink.

Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking influence describes a network of smugglers and morally questionable members with access to controlled substances -- usually things like crack and heroin, but also fentanyl, oxies, and so on -- who are skilled in moving them beneath the notice of the police. Drug Trafficking influence will lower the difficulty of any Influence action pertaining to actually trafficking drugs.

Financial Crime

Financial Crime influence describes a network of the less-than-reputable who are skilled in fiscal sleight of hand. Financial Crime influence will lower the difficulty of any Influence action pertaining to money laundering, counterfeiting, and tax evasion.

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking influence describes a network of smugglers and morally questionable members who participate in coyotaje, labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and the illegal smuggling and holding of individuals to and from places in general. Human Trafficking influence will lower the difficulty of any Influence action pertaining to actually trafficking humans.