Copypastable Template/Example

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Officer Bork Bork

Click dat 'view source' (or edit) and copy this shit man.

Customize Me

You are looking at a sample of the RiffRaph theme with no colors. This theme is colorable by adding a color word o the very first div ('div class=character-page RiffRaph Red" for example). For an example with colors being used, see the original Copypastable_Template/RiffRaph_Theme Copypastable Riff Raph template.

You can mix and match. You can also add the "{Color}Text" to specific divs to change the color to be a particular color. Why not use your own he values? You *can*, but these colors have been pre-selected for ease of use and for WCAG AA compliant contrast ratios (that is, you can't fuck these up and make it so that the colors that it picks are illegible against the background color choice).

OOC Masq Policy

You can uphold your OOC masquerade or you can gallagher that shit and tell the world that you're secretly the evil Dr. Tzimisce. We don't care. Just don't out other people who haven't outed themselves.

Content Policy

No animated content such as GIFs. You can link to this content, but do not embed it in the page. No autoplay stuff. No NSFW images. You can link to NSFW content but you need to give a brother a warning. No reproducing book contents. You can do page references to notate where the mechanics are.


Officer-bork-bork.jpg Jimbo Jimbo's very OK.

Officer-bork-bork.jpg Jambo Jambo's not very OK.


Name: Jane Doe
Apparent Age: Young adult
Nationality: English
Nature: Conniver
Demeanor: Autocrat

Sick Tunes

My daughter died in a rowboat
And I never told anyone
Until now!

- Trixie Mattel, My Daughter Died In A Rowboat

My daughter died in a rowboat
And I never told anyone
Until now!

- Trixie Mattel, My Daughter Died In A Rowboat

My daughter died in a rowboat
And I never told anyone
Until now!

- Trixie Mattel, My Daughter Died In A Rowboat