Conflict Resolution

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When you have a disagreement with someone and you, as a player or staffer, need to do something about it, you can do something about it. Do NOT let another player or staffer intimidate you from enforcing the respectful and fun environment our game was made to provide. The way you do it is by following these instructions:

  • Point out the behavior and why it is a problem. E.g., "Your OOC comments are disruptive and disrespectful"
  • Point out what effect this behavior has. E.g., "These rude interruptions are grinding the scene to a halt."
  • Point out the consequences for this behavior. E.g., "If you don't stop, then I'm cutting you out of this scene."
  • Point out the behavior you want to see instead. E.g, "You need to withhold these comments or leave."
  • Lastly: keep staff updated via @mail or +request. This is insurance for you in the long term: if we don't know that you drew a line, or what line you drew, we may not be able to back you up in the way that you expect.

You don't necessarily have to keep us updated, but it is in your best interest, especially if a problem becomes chronic, because knowing that a player has been told (multiple times) not to Do The Thing will change our approach when said player does The Thing They Were Objectively Told Not To Do again. We will not approach players you inform us about unless we have your permission/instruction to do so.

As for the language you use when you do this: respect is something earned, so we're not going to ask you to be "respectful" necessarily, but we are going to expect you to know better than to use profanity or disparaging or insulting language. We'll still help enforce the line you draw, but we have no obligation to back you up on any arguing that directly arises as a result of you drawing said line like an asshole.