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Andy Amber, Self-Proclaimed Voivode of San Francisco

She was all of that, so I hooked her up
With them rhinestone, red-bottom ruby pumps
She can whip that thing like a cyclone
Hope you got slow-motion on your iPhone

Turn up, I'm the wizard I pronounce you to
Like somebody dropped a motherfuckin' house on you

Andy Amber is the world's worst Tzimisce. He lives in a big house that he moved into and locked the nice gay couple that were going to flip it in the basement and the story goes that one of them ate the other one because he forgot to feed them. He has giant dogs that rumor has it occasionally get out, hunt and eat the local homeless people.

He thinks most of his clan are a bunch of imaginationless degenerates who cover themselves in dick-nipples because they have a conceptualization of what's shocking akin to that of a fuckbaby blend of Garth Ennis and a teenage Canadian Incel with ADHD.

He became a Koldun because he thought that magic powers sounded bitchin'. And he was right, they are.

He co-habitates and co-dependents with a Malkavian who between the two of them seems to be the more mature and sane of the pair.

His stated goals include creating a Revenant family bred for maximum hotness.

He's expressed a hatred for Tremere not because they're a bunch of dirty sneakin' thieves but because they made magic boring. WHO DOES THAT?


Did I say he was the world's worst Tzimisce?

Turn upside-down like an hourglass
Like somebody made it rain, tried to melt that ass

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameBorder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> (I'm gonna find out if I can embed this later, for right now I'm just putting it here)


Name: Andy Amber
Apparent Age: Adult
Clan: Tzimisce
Nature: Celebrant
Demeanor: Deviant