Merits And Flaws

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Physical Merits

Mental Merits

Social Merits

Supernatural Merits


Physical Flaws

Name Point Values Short Description Read More Available To
Addiction -1 You are addicted to an act or substance, from caffeine to cocaine. P 39 BoS Everyone
Addiction -3 You are a vampire addicted to a substance and must have it in your victims' blood P 482 V20 Core Vampire
Bad Sight -1, -3 You can't see too hot. You may need glasses. p 481 V20 Core Everyone
Blind -6 You can't see at all. P 484 V20 Core Everyone
Deaf -4 P 483 V20 Core You can't hear. Everyone
Deformity -3 You have a profound physical deformity. P 482 V20 Core Everyone
Degeneration -3, -6, or -9 Your body is falling apart. P 41 BoS Mage
Disease Carrier -4 You're a harbinger of plague P 483 V20 Core Vampire
Disfigured -2 P 482 V20 Core You have a deformity. It ain't pretty. Everyone
Dulled Bite -2 Your teeth aren't sharp enough to hunt like the cool vampires. P 492 V20 Core Vampire
Easily Intoxicated -2 You're a teetotaler. P 40 BoS Everyone
Fifteenth Generation -4 You're a 15th Generation vampire. P 481-482 V20 Core Vampire
Flesh of the Corpse -5 You're quite literally an ambulatory corpse. Gross. P 483 V20 Core Vampire
Fourteenth Generation -2 You're a 14th Generation vampire. P 471 V20 Core Vampire
Glowing Eyes -3 Self explanatory. Wear some ski goggles. P 482 V20 Core. Vampire
Hard of Hearing -1 Wha? P 480 V20 Core Everyone
Horrific -5 You make people throw up in their mouth at least. P 41 BoS Everyone
Infectious Bite -2 You've got nasty-ass komodo dragon mouth. P 481 V20 Core Vampire
Lame -3 You can't walk well. P 482 V20 Core Everyone
Lazy -3 Everyone
Light Sensitive -2, -4, -6 Ghoul
Mayfly Curse -5, -10 Mage
Medicated -1, -3, -5 Everyone
Monstrous -3 Vampire
Mute -4 Everyone
One Eye -2 Everyone
Open Wound -2 Vampire
Permanent Fangs -3 Vampire
Permanent Wound -3 Vampire
Profiled Appearance -2 Everyone
Repulsive Feature -2 Everyone
Short -1 Everyone
Slow Healing -3 Vampire
Smell of the Grave -1 Vampire
Teetotaler -1 Everyone
Thin Blood -4 Vampire
Twitch -1 Everyone

Mental Flaws

Name Point value Description Page Reference Available To
Absent-Minded -3 Everyone
Amnesia -2 Everyone
Anachronism -2 Vampire
Attention Deficit Disorder -2 Everyone
Berserker / Stress Atavism -4 Mage
Bigot -3 Everyone
Bound -2 Vampire
Chronic Depression -3 Everyone
Compulsion -1 Everyone
Conspicuous Consumption -4 Vampire
Curiosity -2 Everyone
Deep Sleeper -1 Vampire
Extreme Kink -3, -5 Everyone
Flashbacks -3, -6 Mage, Vampire
Guilt Wracked -4 Vampire
Hatred -3 Everyone
Hero Worship -1 Everyone
Icy -2 Everyone
Impatient -1 Everyone
Intemperate -2 Everyone
Lifesaver -3 Everyone
Lunacy -2 Vampire
Mental Lock -1 Everyone
Nightmares -1 Everyone
OCPD -3 Everyone
Overconfident -1 Everyone
Phobia -2 Everyone
Prey Exclusion -1 Vampire
PTSD -2, -3, -4, -5 Everyone
Rose-Colored Glasses -2 Everyone
Short Fuse -2 Vampire
Shy -1 Everyone
Soft Hearted -1 Vampire
Speech Impediment -1 Everyone
Stereotype -2 Vampire
Territorial -2 Vampire
Thirst for Innocence -2 Vampire
Uncontrollable -5 Brujah
Unconvinced -1 Vampire
Vanilla -1 Everyone
Vengeful -2 Everyone
Victim of the Masquerade -2 Vampire
Weak Willed -3 Everyone
Whimsy -1 Everyone

Social Flaws

Supernatural Flaws