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  • Found In: M20 page 314-316
  • In Character Generation: Purchased as Background.
  • Available To: Mages
  • After Character Generation: Raised through methods below.
  • Purchasable When Becoming: Yes
  • Limitations: A rating of 5 is the maximum.

Your familiar can be anything: a pet, a robot, a humanoid otherworldly sentience.

In Character Generation

Familiar is a standard Background bought with Background dots, Freebies, and Starting XP.

When taking dots of familiar, please designate that familiar with a note called "familiar." In that note, please make sure to cover the following:

  • Origin: What's the basis for your Familiar becoming your Familiar?
  • Personality: Please describe their personality so staff can depict it.
  • Description: What does this familiar look like?

After Character Generation

  • Staff Run Scenes: Put in a +request describing your goal! Tell us what your goal is and how your character is going to get started in pulling it off. The storyteller will coordinate with you. Once you achieve your goal, you request staff to update your sheet.
  • PRPs: Have someone else run a PRP for you. The PRP runner needs to submit a request to have it approved but once it's approved they may run it. Once your goal is achieved, you and the PRP runner tell staff about it so we can review it, and then we will update your sheet.

When acquiring a stat through role play, you must still pay with XP.

Don't forget about Karma! Whether you are getting something through PRP or Staff run scenes, when you pay 10 Karma you can buy a story beat that puts your character into a favorable position that makes whatever your goal is easier. A storyteller will hook you up with a story beat. Your success is not guaranteed, but you will have the wheels nice and greasy.

House Rules

Quintessence costs for Familiars are invoked once a month rather than once a week. Other than that, they act as described on page 314 of M20 Core.