
From Modern Nights
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Players can build whatever they want at their discretion through use of the building code which exists to keep everything organized. You can build places you ICly own or places your NPCs own or public/abandoned places. Please note, your character is going to be trackably connected to any building in their +inv. For example, if you have an apartment in your +inv, your name is on the lease. You can use the +inv/give command to defer papertrails to your NPCs or other characters.

The Process

The build system is mostly automated. Step one to getting a building is purchasing it! Type "+eq/list buildings" to see your options and then "+eq/buy <choice>" to add a building to your inventory.

Next go to the location that you wish to build this thing in. Type "+build <name of thing you bought>" in that gridspace. A room or series of rooms will be laid out for you. Walk into the room!

You will then be presented with a prompt to type +instructions which show you the commands you can use to redescribe and rearrange and rename the space from its automated defaults.

When naming your space, +hangouts works by looking at the LAST part of the room name (whatever is after the dash) and to add your build to a hangouts search. So if you name your place "Jimmy's Bar - Main Room", it won't show up on a hangouts search for bars. If you name your place "Jimmy's - Bar" or just "Jimmy's Bar", it will show up on a hangouts search.