Political Influence

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Political Influence describes the interest groups that lobby and campaign in order to push on elected officials, lobbies composed of charitable organizations, activist groups, and groups of politically active individuals. The various specialties below each unlock access to any given Political Influence move, but lower the difficulty of an Influence roll if the action in question directly relates to their niche.

Business Groups

Business Group influence is a mixture of contacts in one or more related professional associations and trade groups, organizations that are established to further specific professions/industries and the interests of those who work in them. When taking dots of this influence, please specify the profession in question. Professional Association Influence will lower the difficulty of influence actions where one must mobilize large groups on the basis of the best interests of a chosen profession/trade.

Ideological Groups

Ideological Groups influence describes influence over lobbies that are composed of particular political ideologies (conservatives, liberals, socialists, libertarians, etc). Their support for legislation or policy depends exclusively on whether they find it ideologically sound. They view all issues ? federal spending, taxes, foreign affairs, court appointments, and so forth ? through the lens of their political ideology. When picking Ideological Groups please specify the party or ideology. This type of influence will lower the difficulties of influence actions that can mobilize and motivate members of that particular ideology.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Group influence is a mixture of contacts in one or more related organizations/lobbies that are established to further the best interests of a specific particular issue (such as is the case with Mothers Against Drunk Driving) or a particular identity group (for instance, Black Lives Matter). When taking dots of this influence, please specify the nature of this particular group in question. Special Interest Groups Influence will lower the difficulty of influence actions where one must mobilize large groups on the basis of the best interests of that particular cause or identity group.